Groups & Schools

Group General Admission

$4 – Student and Chaperone
Free – School Staff, Group Leader, and Medical Personnel Required by Group*

Reservations must be made at least 2 weeks in advance or standard admission fees will apply.

*Staff are typically comped on a 1staff to 10student ratio.

Curiosity Connection

Groups of 10 or more children 5 and younger may book at the group rate and receive 45 minutes of play between 9am- 9:45am Wednesday – Saturday. Ask your reservationist for details.

Group Admission for Planetarium

Planetarium Shows

10-30 participants $60 + Museum Admission
31-60 participants $2 per person + Museum Admission

Live Tonight’s Sky Pre-Show & Stargazing Tonight’s Sky Live Chat

10 – 40 participants$80 + Museum Admission
41 – 60 participants$120 + Museum Admission

Please note, the planetarium will be closed June 9-June 22, 2025 for upgrades.

Please take note of our policies before booking your reservation:

  • A group must consist of 10 or more people.
  • The museum is closed Mondays and Tuesdays early June – early March. We are open some Mondays and Tuesdays for pre-scheduled groups March 17 – June 3, 2025. We suggest you confirm your visit dates before booking other venues.
  • Group admission fees must be paid at one time. Individual visitors, within a group making payments, do not qualify as a group and will be charged the general admission rates.
  • Reservations must be made at least 2 weeks in advance or standard admission fees will apply.
  • Membership benefits, complimentary passes, and other discounts do not apply to group visits/shows/group guided experiences.
  • Group rates do not apply to special admission days or special events.
  • We recommend payment be made on the day of arrival or shortly following your visit. Any payments made in advance of a visit will be final.
  • Cancellations: Please let us know if you must cancel your visit by calling 717-772-6997.
  • The Museum has a small inside area for groups to eat. This space is available by reservation on a first-come-first serve basis. The outdoor plaza is available in good weather. The PA State Capitol Building has limited tables that are available to reserve through the Capitol Tour Guide Office.
  • Bagged lunches must be in boxes or coolers clearly labeled with the Group Name/Teacher Name and will be stowed in the Orientation Room.
  • Refrigeration is unavailable.
  • Food or beverages of any kind, including water, are not allowed in the Museum Galleries.
Bag Limitations

Students may not carry bags or backpacks through the Museum.

  • Promote “If you don’t need it; don’t bring it” with your students, chaperones, and additional staff.
  • The Museum reserves the right to inspect all bags.
  • The Museum is not responsible for any lost or stolen item.
  • A limited number of lockers are available for bags.
Bus Drop-off & Check In

Our Bus Lane, beside the Museum on North Street just before the North 3rd Street intersection, is reserved for bus drop off and pick up only. Buses are permitted to return 15 minutes before scheduled pick up. No bus parking is available in the Capitol Complex.

Scavenger Hunt

If you wish to help your chaperones engage with your students, download the:
interactive scavenger hunt and the post-visit answer sheet.

Chaperone Guide

We rely on our chaperones to not only keep students safe, but also help them engage with the museum. Use this museum map with chaperone guide to start conversations and get the students thinking!

Group Visit Request Form

Thank you for your interest in visiting The State Museum of Pennsylvania. Submit your request below and our reservationist will be in contact to confirm visit details. Please remember your visit is not confirmed until you have received a confirmation email from our staff.